Rodenberg is a small charming town in Germany.My connection with this beautiful place is through Ilka. She attended one of the workshops in Auroville. One day, we met near the Matri Mandir entrance and she invited me to her place. I enjoyed the meeting and was very happy. When I was planning the trip to Germany, this was not in existence for me.

I was pleasantly surprised to get a mail from her about a month ago, inviting me to Rodenberg. She came to know about my planned workshop at the Sri Aurobindo Center at Berlin and decided to send me a email, with a delightful invitation. I was more than happy to accept it and Ilka has arranged the workshop in her wonderful studio with skylights and such positive energy.
Ilka offers week-end retreats with
opportunity to relax, relieve and restore in her beautiful home-cum-studio in
Rodenberg with individual and personalized coaching, meditation and counseling. I am inspired by the way she is touching so many lives.
The town itself was picture perfect and a place of extraordinary beauty, tranquility and charm. The pictures say it all. I was touched by the kind hospitality of Ilka and Klaus, her husband. Ingo, Ilka's brother, who livl es in London was also passing by and I was fortunate to meet him as well. Those few hours were the first opportunity for me to be with a German family and it was very touchig and moving for me to see the love, affection and harmony.

The workshop itself was great! The studio was full and everyone came in time, with lots of interest and enthusiasm. The participation was extraordinarily satisfying and fulfilling for me. I was also very happy with the questions. All in all, the session deepened my respect for Germans. I am in awe that Germans are practicing Yoga and seek ing spiritual progress with great aspiration.
I feel so happy and grateful to Ilka for giving me this opportunity. I requested her to consider following up with a few practice sessions to help the practice to take roots in their lives.
I am also getting to have glimpses of the power and magic of Auroville&AVI network and a sense of the extended family of Integral Yoga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. I feel blessed to receive such affection, kindness and experience a sense of belonging and being part of this Divine family.
I look forward to more opportunities to be in this charming town, enjoy the hospitality of Ilka and Klaus and facilitate workshops.
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